Hi, I'm Kim.

I help my clients get relief from the pain and suffering of addiction using essential oils

Here is a safe space for men and women in recovery to learn and ask questions about healing their bodies and spirit in recovery. Addiction made us feel we needed to hide the truth about ourselves, this is a place of understanding and acceptance. Learn holistic coping tools for physical pain and soothing emotions.

How does a person recover?

The old hurts, the new hurts. They add up and weigh us down. Not knowing what to do with your feelings, and seeking to go numb.

This is "normal" for many people.

I completely understand, and there's good news.

I've laid out a holistic recovery plan, along with essential oil education to relieve the physical symptoms of detox and emotional pain.

Holistic Tools for Recovery

We offer free weekly classes to help everyone on their journey to wellness using essential oils. We talk everything essential oils and how to use the power of plants to help soothe emotions caused by turmoil or trauma.

The 12 step programs of CoDA, AA, and alternative healing modalities released emotional blockages, enabling

to connect with my higher power, live my truth, and serve others with a glad heart.


All Rights Reserved

Kim Ureta, Recovery Wellness Coach

